Experience Galaxy AI on Any Phone: Try Galaxy App Update

Unlock the power of Galaxy AI on any device! Explore Samsung's innovative features with the revamped Try Galaxy App.


Discover the Galaxy AI suite beyond Samsung devices with the latest Try Galaxy App update. While initially exclusive to the Galaxy S24 series, Galaxy AI features like Live Translate, Chat Assist, and more are now accessible to iPhone and Android users through simulated demos.

Samsung’s Try Galaxy platform has been revamped to replicate the One UI 6.1 experience, offering interactive demonstrations of Galaxy AI capabilities. Now available on all Android devices, including Galaxy models, this update broadens access to Galaxy AI functionalities.

Previously limited to iOS, Try Galaxy serves as a gateway for users to explore the features of Samsung’s flagship smartphones. Through simulated demos, users can gain insights into the functionality of Galaxy AI, even if they don’t own a Galaxy device.

While the interactive demos within the Try Galaxy app provide a glimpse into Galaxy AI features, it’s essential to note that these are simulations, not functional implementations. Users can engage with the demos to understand how Galaxy AI works, but the app does not offer operational Galaxy AI features.

To experience Try Galaxy, simply visit Samsung’s official Try Galaxy webpage or scan the QR code using your phone’s camera. Download the Try Galaxy app to explore the simulated Galaxy AI demos in 20 languages, offering a glimpse into Samsung’s innovative technology.